darjeeling teas & milk shop now

Best Darjeeling Teas With Milk

Darjeeling tea is among the most sought after teas by connoisseurs and avid tea-drinkers...

All You Need to Know About Darjeeling First Flush Tea

All You Need to Know About Darjeeling First Flush Tea

The spring season brings with it new colours and warmth. It’s also the time of year where an incredibly valuable variety of tea is harvested in regions of India – the Darjeeling First Flush.

March 15, 2024 by Golden Tips Teas India
What Is First Flush Tea and Why Is It So Expensive?

What Is First Flush Tea and Why Is It So Expensive?

The first flush tea is the first tea harvested in spring or in the late winter.

March 15, 2024 by Golden Tips Teas India
facts & beauteas of darjeeling tea

Quick Facts About Darjeeling First Flush Tea

It can be overwhelming when you step into a tea shop and notice the many classifications of tea. Who knew there are...

March 15, 2024 by Golden Tips Teas India
Differences Between First Flush and Second Flush Tea

Differences Between First Flush and Second Flush Tea

When you are a tea enthusiast, the desire to learn more about this aromatic and delightful beverage comes naturally.

March 15, 2024 by Golden Tips Teas India
Ginger Tea For Immune System

Drink Ginger Tea Like This to Boost Immunity

Boost Your Immunity in a Sip: Discover the Secret of Drinking Ginger Tea

Are you tired of feeling under the weather? Are you seeking a way to ward off cold and flu and strengthen immunity? Look no further. Experience wellness in a cup- try our Golden Tips ginger tea. Crafted from the finest ingredients and tea leaves from pristine gardens, each Golden Tips ginger tea sip encapsulates purity and perfection. Unlike ordinary teas, we take pride in maintaining superior standards, ensuring that every brew delivers an unparalleled experience.

Health Benefits Unveiled

Ginger isn't just a spice; it's a powerhouse of health benefits waiting to be unleashed. Ginger possesses antispasmodic qualities owing to its rich composition of over 60 trace minerals, an abundance of around 30 amino acids (with many still unidentified), and a vast array of more than 500 enzymes and coenzymes. These components synergistically collaborate to soothe reactivity within the body- offering you multiple benefits such as:

Antioxidant Properties

Ginger contains potent antioxidants such as gingerol, which help combat oxidative stress in the body. By neutralizing free radicals, ginger helps protect immune cells from damage, thus enhancing the overall immune response.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties that helps reduce inflammation throughout the body. By mitigating inflammation, ginger supports a healthier immune system.

Antimicrobial Activity

Ginger exhibits antimicrobial properties, including against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Consuming ginger may help prevent infections by inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms, thereby bolstering the body's defenses against pathogens.

Enhances Circulation

Proper circulation is essential for the immune system to function optimally. Ginger helps improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow. Improved circulation ensures immune cells can reach various body parts more efficiently to combat infections.

Supports Digestive Health

Ginger aids digestion by promoting digestive enzyme secretion and reducing gastrointestinal discomfort. A healthy digestive system contributes to overall immune function by maintaining a balanced gut microbiota and preventing the overgrowth of harmful bacteria.

Stress Reduction

Chronic stress weakens the body's immune system, making the body more susceptible to illness. Ginger has adaptogenic properties, meaning it helps the body adapt to stress and maintain homeostasis. By reducing stress levels, ginger indirectly supports immune function.

Cold and Flu Relief

Ginger is often used as a natural remedy for colds and flu. Its warming properties can help alleviate symptoms such as sore throat, congestion, andBoost Your Immunity in a Sip: Discover the Secret of Drinking Ginger Tea

fever. Regularly consuming ginger tea or incorporating ginger into meals during cold and flu season may help prevent and alleviate these common illnesses.

Best Golden Tips Ginger Tea for the Immune System

Whether combating a pesky cold or simply looking to enhance your well-being, a steaming cup of Golden Tips Ginger tea is your go-to remedy. Our collection features:

Herbyoga - Tulsi, Turmeric & Ginger Herbal Tea

Discover the ancient secrets of wellness with our zero-caffeine blend of Tulsi, Turmeric, and Ginger. From Ayurveda to modern science, these revered ingredients have stood the test of time. It's a delicious brew for a healthier you with added black pepper, clove, stevia leaf, and cinnamon.


Herbyoga - Tulsi, Turmeric & Ginger Herbal Tea

Ginger CTC Black Tea

Enjoy the perfect combination of strong CTC Tea and crushed ginger. A hot cup of Ginger Tea aids digestion and is a favorite for tea lovers everywhere.


Ginger Chai CTC Black Tea

Ginger Mastea - Indian Masala Chai

Experience the authentic taste of India with Ginger Mastea - a traditional Masala Chai infused with the zing of ginger. Rich and aromatic, this blend perfectly balances spices for a truly satisfying cup. To prepare a delicious cup of Ginger Mastea - Indian Masala Chai, start by boiling 1 part of milk and two parts of water. Add one teaspoon of Ginger Mastea Tea Leaves and continue boiling until the mixture fares up thrice. Sweeten with sugar, stir well, strain, and serve hot. Enjoy the rich and authentic flavors of Indian Masala Chai in every sip.


Ginger Mastea - Indian Masala Chai

View more amazing blends of ginger tea in our collection today.

Darjeeling Tea Darjeeling Teas
March 13, 2024 by Golden Tips Teas India
How to Make the Perfect Cup of Darjeeling Tea

How to Make the Perfect Cup of Darjeeling Tea

Available in countless varieties, such as black, green and white tea, Darjeeling tea is a favourite among tea drinkers

March 12, 2024 by Golden Tips Teas India
Herbal Tea Detox

Herbal Teas for Detox: Nourishing Your Body from Inside Out

From the air we breathe to the food we eat, nothing is 100% pure. Our bodies often bear the brunt of toxic overload. This is why it is essential to detoxify. Detoxification eliminates harmful substances from the body, needed to maintain overall health and well-being. While there are numerous methods to support detoxification, one of the most natural and gentle approaches is consuming herbal teas.

Let's explore the detoxifying properties of herbal tea and how they nourish the body from the inside out. But first, let's draw upon the wisdom of Ayurveda, an ancient healing system that has revered herbal remedies for thousands of years.

Ayurveda: The Ancient Science of Healing

Ayurveda is a holistic and well-integrated healing system- originated in India over five thousand years ago. Central to Ayurveda is the belief that optimal health is achieved through balance and harmony among the body, mind, and spirit. Herbs have long been revered in Ayurvedic medicine for their ability to promote detoxification, boost immunity, and restore equilibrium within the body.

Several herbs are renowned for their detoxifying properties, making them ideal ingredients for herbal teas. These include:

  • Dandelion Root: It's a natural diuretic that supports the liver & kidneys in flushing out body toxins. It also aids digestion and promotes the elimination of waste, making it a valuable addition to detox teas.
  • Turmeric: Known for its anti-inflammatory & antioxidant properties, turmeric supports detoxification by reducing inflammation, aiding digestion, and promoting the elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Ginger: Ginger is a warming herb that stimulates digestion, enhances circulation, and supports detoxification. It helps cleanse lymphatic system and promotes sweating. This aids in the elimination of toxins through the skin.
  • Holy Basil (Tulsi): Holy basil is touted for its adaptogenic properties. It helps the body adapt to stress and promote overall well-being. It also supports detoxification by reducing inflammation and protecting against oxidative stress.

Herbal Tea for Detoxification

Chamomile Green Tea

Chamomile Green Tea harnesses the combined herbal power of two potent ingredients. It aids detoxification through its antioxidant-rich composition, including flavonoids and polyphenols, which combat oxidative stress and support liver function. These compounds assist in neutralizing harmful free radicals and enhancing the liver's ability to metabolize toxins.

Chamomile's anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation, while its gentle digestive support promotes healthy digestion, which is crucial for toxin elimination. Furthermore, chamomile's calming effects alleviate stress, which can hinder detoxification processes. Hydration is also essential for detoxification, and drinking Chamomile Green Tea provides both hydration and beneficial detoxifying compounds. Incorporating this herbal tea into your routine can support your body's natural detoxification mechanisms, promoting overall health and well-being.


Chamomile Green Tea

Roseherb Green Tea

Roseherb Green Tea detoxifies the body by blending pure green tea and exotic medicinal herbs from the Himalayas. Rich in antioxidants and nutrients, this tea supports liver function, reduces inflammation, and aids digestion, promoting overall detoxification and well-being with its soothing and aromatic qualities.


Roseherb Green Tea - Tin Can

Herbyoga - Immunity Booster Desi Kadha Tea

Herbyoga Immunity Booster Desi Kadha Tea aids detoxification through a blend of potent herbs. Tulsi supports liver function, while Black Pepper aids digestion, eliminating toxins. Clove's antimicrobial properties combat harmful bacteria. Turmeric acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, helping liver health. Giloy purifies the blood, and Ashwagandha promotes overall well-being. Cinnamon's antioxidants neutralize free radicals. This synergy of ingredients facilitates holistic detoxification, supporting the body's natural cleansing processes for optimal health.


Herbyoga - Immunity Booster Desi Kadha Tea

So, what are you waiting for? Detoxify your body today. Shop our extensive collection of herbal teas.

Herbal teas Herbal teas
March 07, 2024 by Golden Tips Teas India
Unlock the Secret: What Makes Your Chai Perfect?

Unlock the Secret: What Makes Your Chai Perfect?

Indulge in the aromatic journey of creating the perfect cup of India's beloved masala...
March 02, 2024 by Golden Tips Teas India
Tags: Masala Chai
From Gardens to Cups: Understanding the Uniqueness of Assam Tea

From Gardens to Cups: Understanding the Uniqueness of Assam Tea

Assam tea, often called the "liquid gold" of India, holds a special place in the hearts of tea enthusiasts worldwide. Let's take a deeper dive to understand the uniqueness of organic Assam tea.

Taste Profile

Distinctive Taste: A Symphony of Boldness and Complexity

Assam tea has a distinctive flavor. Assam tea boasts a robust and malty flavor that differentiates it from other teas from other regions. The unique taste of Assam tea is attributed to the indigenous Camellia sinensis var. assamica plant, which thrives in the region's lowland plains. The climate, with its high humidity and regular rainfall, contributes to the tea's full-bodied character.

Assam tea's bold and brisk nature makes it an ideal choice for those who appreciate a strong cup of tea. The infusion yields a deep, reddish-brown liquor with a robust and refreshing taste, often accompanied by notes of caramel and a hint of maltiness.

Choices of Assam Tea:

Saffron Cardamom Exotic Chai

Masala Chai India's Authentic Spiced Tea - Value Pack

Saffron Cardamom Exotic Chai

English Breakfast Tea - Tin Can

Saffron Cardamom Exotic Chai

Assam Tea - Tin Can

Assam Tea Estates: Gardens of Heritage

The lush valleys of Assam are home to some of the world's most prestigious tea estates, each with its distinct terroir that imparts unique characteristics to the tea produced.

Kaziranga Tea Estate

One of the most distinguished estates in Assam, Kaziranga Tea Estate, named after the famed Kaziranga National Park, boasts a legacy that dates back generations. The estate is situated in the Golaghat district of Assam's lowland plains and benefits from the fertile soil and favorable climate. It boasts high humidity and regular rainfall—ideal conditions for cultivating the indigenous Camellia sinensis var. assamica plant. Hence the unique character of its teas.

Mangalam Tea Estate

Located in the Jorhat district, the Mangalam tea estate benefits from a confluence of factors that create optimal conditions for producing exquisite Assam Tea. The fertile soil of the region, enriched by the Brahmaputra River, provides essential nutrients for the tea plants. It enhances the quality and character of the Mangalam tea estate tea leaves. Furthermore, the Mangalam tea estate's elevation and terrain contribute to the tea's unique terroir. The estate's sprawling tea gardens, surrounded by rolling hills, create a microclimate that imparts the teas a distinctive aroma and flavor.

Harmutty Tea Estate

Harmutty Tea Estate has a slightly elevated terrain, which provides the perfect balance of sunlight and shade, while the Brahmaputra River's presence ensures the soil is enriched with essential nutrients. These factors combine to give Harmutty teas a unique flavor profile. Besides this, Harmutty Tea Estate's commitment to maintaining the integrity of the natural ecosystem further enhances the favorable conditions for tea production, such as sustainable practices and a focus on organic cultivation.

Moreover, the estate's dedication to traditional processing methods ensures that the inherent qualities of the tea leaves are preserved. From meticulous plucking to controlled oxidation and careful drying, every step in the production process at Harmutty Tea Estate is a testament to the pursuit of excellence.

Processing: Craftsmanship in Every Leaf

Following careful harvesting by skilled hands, the leaves undergo a crucial step known as oxidation. This process, facilitated by exposing the leaves to oxygen, is responsible for developing the characteristic malty flavor and robustness of Assam tea. The oxidation duration is closely monitored to achieve the desired balance of taste and aroma.

Post-oxidation, the leaves undergo rolling and shaping, enhancing their texture and appearance. This craftsmanship contributes to the visual appeal of Assam tea, with tightly rolled leaves promising a rich and fulfilling infusion.

The final phase involves firing or drying the leaves to halt oxidation and lock in the distinctive flavor profile. This step, often conducted using traditional methods, is critical to preserving the unique characteristics of Assam tea.

How to Brew

Brewing Assam tea with or without milk is a personal preference, each offering a distinct experience. To brew with milk, steep Assam tea leaves in hot water for 3-5 minutes, then add warm milk to taste. This method enhances the tea's boldness and complements its malty notes.

Without milk, simply steep the leaves in hot water, allowing the full-bodied flavors to shine.

Whether enjoyed traditionally or without milk, Assam tea's unique taste profile promises a satisfying cup, catering to diverse preferences. Adjust steeping time and milk quantity according to individual taste for a perfect brew.

So, shop with us if you want to enjoy the best in Assam tea. We have the finest collection that you are sure to fall in love with.

assam Tea assam Teas
February 21, 2024 by Golden Tips Teas India
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Wellness in a Cup: The Immune-Boosting Wonders of Herbal Tea

Finding moments of tranquility and self-care is essential. What better way to elevate your well-being ...
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Tea Gifts for Valentine

Tea Gifts for Valentine

The february is here, and Valentine's Day is fast approaching. It is the perfect...

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